Your donations make whole-person medicine possible in our community

Help Marion
County experience abundant health

apply to be a recipient

donate to the mission

Faithfully Guided Foundation is a charitable 501(c)(3) non-profit that helps Marion County residents access a whole-person and collaborative health approach under one roof when finances are a barrier. Recipients gain scholarships for holistic medical services at Faithfully Guided Health Center, where biblical principles and science-backed methods are combined to heal spirit, mind, and body. 

Together, we can create
                             health in our community


get involved

Donate a monthly amount that gives recipients access to our holistic approach and whole-person care.

Patient Partner Program

annual gala

Help us fundraise scholarship dollars while celebrating the lives we’ve impacted. Contact Katie to stay in the loop about our gala in 2024. 


Your donations support scholarships that give recipients 30-70% off all counseling, integrative and functional medicine, and restorative services.

Discover how         can
be part of our movement



Our                 impact continues to grow

together, we can make a difference

Amount donated every month on average


Number of community members who have gained access to holistic care


The percentage recipients save on integrative health services


health improvement rate, Compared to 10% from conventional solutions


Our emotional and spiritual health guides the quality of our physical health. We exist to make this connection possible for community members seeking whole person medicine. Our ultimate vision is to lead Marion County in becoming a Blue Zone—a community where families live longer, more vibrant lives. For generations.

Inspiring generational health

our vision

Scholarships provide sliding scale fees for all services at the Faithfully Guided Health Center. If you’re looking for faith-based counseling, integrative and functional medicine, or restorative services, we’re here for you.

Scholarships are perfect for low-income, fixed-income, uninsured, or underinsured Marion County residents. Common concerns we support include:  

Apply for a Faithfully Guided Health Scholarship

for recipients

Mental well-being (depression, anxiety, trauma-related, stress management, life changes, purpose and self-care)
Energy and metabolism issues (low energy, sleep issues, weight management)
Hormonal health issues (thyroid conditions, infertility, period issues)
Immune and inflammatory conditions (gut issues, chronic pain, headaches, cancer treatment side effects)
Unexplained symptoms and conditions that have been unresponsive to other treatments






Erin Fabian

“Faithfully Guided has helped me with diet and lifestyle behaviors, helping maintain my autoimmune disease, Susac Syndrome. In the midst of my disease state, I lost focus of who I wanted to be. Faithfully Guided helps me to live the lifestyle that I love. I’m more alert and my thinking is no longer foggy. Faithfully Guided hears you. They go to the root cause and help where it will make a difference. They care about you.”

"Faithfully Guided helps me to live the lifestyle that I love."


David Brauer

“Shared medical visit builds community and improves health outcomes in grant funded diabetic program.”

"All aspects of Faithfully Guided are amazing!"

The staff, the counselors, the restorative services, and the medical care are top-notch. You are never alone on this journey. I have followed their wisdom and advice and can say that I have a completely different way of caring for my mind, body and spirit.”

Kimberly Whitt

Kimberly Whitt

"The staff, the counselors, the restorative services, and the medical care are top-notch. You are never alone on this journey. I have followed their wisdom and advice and can say that I have a completely different way of caring for my mind, body and spirit.”

"All aspects of Faithfully Guided are amazing!"

Erin Fabian

“Faithfully Guided has helped me with diet and lifestyle behaviors, helping maintain my autoimmune disease, Susac Syndrome. In the midst of my disease state, I lost focus of who I wanted to be. Faithfully Guided helps me to live the lifestyle that I love. I’m more alert and my thinking is no longer foggy. Faithfully Guided hears you. They go to the root cause and help where it will make a difference. They care about you.”

"Faithfully Guided helps me to live the lifestyle that I love."

David Brauer

“Shared medical visit builds community and improves health outcomes in grant funded diabetic program.”

Kimberly Whitt

"The staff, the counselors, the restorative services, and the medical care are top-notch. You are never alone on this journey. I have followed their wisdom and advice and can say that I have a completely different way of caring for my mind, body and spirit.”

"All aspects of Faithfully Guided are amazing!"

David Brauer

“Shared medical visit builds community and improves health outcomes in grant funded diabetic program.”

Erin Fabian

“Faithfully Guided has helped me with diet and lifestyle behaviors, helping maintain my autoimmune disease, Susac Syndrome. In the midst of my disease state, I lost focus of who I wanted to be. Faithfully Guided helps me to live the lifestyle that I love. I’m more alert and my thinking is no longer foggy. Faithfully Guided hears you. They go to the root cause and help where it will make a difference. They care about you.”

"Faithfully Guided helps me to live the lifestyle that I love."

We've made true healing possible in our community

recipient stories

Support our community in getting the answers they’ve been searching for.

Every donation helps another person in need take control of their health

Join us

© Faithfully Guided foundation 2023     |     All rights reserved     |     brand, copy & website by hello magic studio